Monday, January 19, 2009

ahhh the 1 am thoughts

I am new to this - I've followed my cousin and her hubby's blogs for a few months now...I find it interesting. I have no idea what in my life is so interesting that I'll feel the need to blog, but you never know...stranger things have happened.

For now, let me just say that I'm a daughter, I'm a sister, I'm a wife, I'm a cousin, I'm a friend...and those are only a few titles I own. I'm on this rollercoaster of drama and wonder and amazement and fear...and this is only the beginning. Life is crazy on it's slowest most relaxing day. I'm feeling dizzy...I don't want to get off the ride, but I'm anxious for it to end. It's starting to take over my life, my feelings and my head, it's a slippery slope. I'm scared of sliding so far to the wrong side that I can't get back. I'm still undecided as to what I need to do. I know what others say. I know others think I'm completely off my nut to keep this up. I say the alternative is too painful to even think about, let alone actually do...Others don't see you the way I do. Others don't remember all the special moments I once took for granted and now would give anything to have back.

I am getting motion sick...and I don't like it.