Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The end of March - the end of an era?

It's been well over a month, infact almost two, since I last blogged. Where has the time gone? So much has happened in my life in just 7 short weeks. So much of those 7 short weeks seem like an eternity.

Life has gone back to normal for the most part - with big fat changes in between normal peaks and valleys. I don't want to be so cryptic here, however I don't feel I can write about another's journey and be completely forthcoming - let me just say this - the future is bright. It's got a long winding road through it - but it is bright and will only get brighter as we cover this bumpy, sometimes rutted road to our future. Big changes are happening -- they are small in steps but simply HUGE in results and I am excited about this. I am more excited about this than I have been about anything in a very long time. The pride I have - the feeling of awe and amazement - the bravery it takes to make changes like this...I am speechless... and we all know that hardly ever happens!

I love you baby. I am here for you through out this journey with love and support and clapping hands!

As for me personally...well, I'm still on my journey - I'm learning more and more every day and I'm finding pieces of my unfinished puzzle along the way. It's exciting.

I'm feeling like I've lost touch with a few people along this little journey...I don't want that. I'm making it my mission to not get so involved with my journey that I forget those that I love and who mean the world to me. I vow to do better. I know life gets busy and sometimes it's not as easy to connect as others, however this reason doesn't satisfy me. I will not lose touch again...life is too short and these people mean way too much.