Sunday, October 25, 2009

Vote NO on 1

So I recently had an interesting conversation with a woman who's views on question 1 weren't the same as mine. Not all that out of the ordinary except this woman has many gay friends and is very gay friendly. when asked why she was going to vote yes on 1 she said it was because she has a small child, 7 I think, that she doesn't want to have to explain gay sex to, gay marriage to, or the gay lifestyle to because it was "taught" to her in school. this poses a very interesting question to me. Do all straight people with kids think that this referrendum question is solely based on our desire to have "gay-ism" taught in schools? I have seen all the commercials regarding the opposition. They claim that this will happen, that kids will be taught gay marriage in schools, but seriously, think about straight marriage taught in school? I went to school...alot....and I don't remember one single class in all my schooling that the teacher once said "now class, today we are going to talk about straight marriage..." I was never taught what it was, i was never asked to role play or take a test on the fundamentals. Now unless school has changed THAT much...and I mean more than just the weird math they do now...why would anyone think that gay marriage would be taught? I am asking for, as a part of a gay couple and an active "mo", the same legal rights as a part of a couple as straight people have. The ability to claim "married" on my tax return, the acknowlegement of being a part of a sacred union in the eyes of the state I live in and love (my union may not be sacred to others, but it is sacred to me), in the event of illness I want to be recognized as the legal next of kin to my wife and not be forced out of the hospital room because our union isn't recognized by the state. I am asking for the "straights" of this state to sit down and think about all the things being married is to them, what it affords them, what it means to them, and realize that all those things should be true for ALL couples who choose to wed.

Love is love and you don't have to understand it to realize that you don't have the right to tell me how love should be defined just because you don't agree with how I define it.

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