Wednesday, February 4, 2009


A peeping Tom's vision into my life right now would consist of mainly Self-Discovery. The beauty of self-discovery is that it's like having your eyes closed for 12 hours, completely dark...then suddenly opening them in the bright August sunlight with no sunglasses to aid you. It's amazing and it makes you feel like running around and telling everyone around you all that you've discovered about yourself, every minute detail - like you are just meeting yourself for the first time...and yet the reality of self-discovery is that it's all internal - it's "self" discovery and it means nothing to anyone but you. It's only you who can see all the changes these discoveries begin and all the baggage that the discoveries help you unpack and finally put away for good.

So much to say to you, and yet I can't because it won't make sense unless and until we are put to the test...then you will see and understand. Then it can be appreciated.



  1. Here's to hoping she tests you....
    I am proud of your journey to "self recognition". It's a big step!!!
